

Blue Sky

澄み切ったBlue Sky!雲が1つもなかった。

そんな日の早朝シドニーにつきホテルで朝食、そして1時間だけ仮眠をとって街に出かけた。行き先はもちろんCirqular Quay。ここでオペラハウス、ハーバーブリッジを見たかった。先に書いたようにここまでは電車で行き、そしてフェリーに乗った。







What a blue sky! No one cloud can be seen that day. When I arrived at the Sydney airport at 6am, I went directly to the hotel. Luckily enough, I was assigned a room and took one hour nap. Then I headed out to Cirqular Quay. The destination of course is Opera House and Harvor Bridge. 
in Sydney, ferries are used as a public transportation. I enjoyed a round trip on the ferry. 
the Opera House has fantastic design as always. When I visited Sydney back in high school, they were inviting 2000 Olympic. The competitor was Beijing. While I stayed here, Sydney 2000 Olympic was decided and the Opera House became Olympic color. Now I remember it.

they say that it still holds Valley and Opera everyday. Harvor Brigdge is also fancy spot. It worths visiting.